Marketing For the Digital

A Beginner's Guide To SEO For New Blog Owners

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is something that all blog owners must think about to help drive traffic to their sites. If search engines don't have a clear understanding of what your blog is about and what you have to offer readers, they will not know when to recommend your site when readers search for topics that you cover. No matter what your blog covers, you can always use SEO to get more attention from the search engine and, therefore, get more traffic to your site. Here is a basic SEO guide to get you started:

Blog Optimization

To make sure that your blog is search engine friendly, you need to find out topics people are searching for that correlate to the content that your blog offers. For example, if your blog publishes information about gardening, you need to know what kinds of gardening topics are the most popularly searched for on the search engines so that you can develop content that addresses those topics.

Once you figure out what people are searching for, you can use the search terms they used and incorporate them into the headlines and body of your content. The search engines will be able to understand what your content is about and then recommend your blog to readers whenever they search for the topics that your content is about.

Social Media Optimization

Engaging with people through social media is an excellent way to drive traffic to your new blog. However, in order for new people to find your social media posts, your posts will have to come up when they search for a topic that is still relevant to your content. Using the same example of a gardening blog as before, you would want to post messages that incorporate the same keywords that you incorporated into your site's content.

When people search for topics that are relevant to the keywords you include in your social media posts, they will be more likely to see your posts and have an opportunity to follow you on the social media site in question. If they like what you have to say on social media, chances are that they will click through to your blog and start reading your content. They might even click on one of your affiliate ads and help make you some extra money.

By implementing the basic SEO practices laid out here, you are sure to increase the amount of traffic that your new blog sees as time goes on. For more information, reach out to an SEO program near you.
